-| Balathal | -
: Rajasthan.
District : Udaipur.
Longitude: 73.59
East Latitude: 24.43
North Nearest Town : Udaipur. Nearest City : Udaipur.
Nearest Airport : Udaipur.
Nearest Railway : Udaipur.
Period: Chalcolathic period ( Bronze Age )
Accommodation : City
Situated in the state of Rajasthan this site has cutural sequence of Chalcolithic
(Bronze Age) to early historical. There are evidences of village life from 3000-1800
BC. The development phase is characterised by the presence of large rectangular
structure complexes of stone,mud bricks & profuse occurence of copper artifacts.
The important discovery in Chalcolathic period is roughly rectengular fortified
encloser & an outer fortification wall.
There have been two different stages of excavation works that has taken place
at this site during the year 1999- 2001. This year the excavation will take
place during the months of Dec 2001 - Jan 2002 will mainly concentrated on the
study of the fortification enclouser and nature of antiquties, & associated