-| Lumbini Tour | -
is located near the Indo-nepal Border and is on the Nepalese side. In fact,
it is just 45 min. drive from Bhairwa on the Indian side. Lumbini is a very
important destination on Buddhist Pilgrimage map as it is the birth place of
Gautam Buddha. Emperor Ashoka was one of the first pilgrims to visit Lumbini
and he erected an inscribed stone pillar in 250 BC This pillar was discovered
in late 19th Century and sine then successive excavations have revealed much
of the ruins in the surrounding area.
The most important sites in Lumbini are -
- The Temple of Maya Devi - Mother of Lord Buddha.
- The Holy Pond where May Devi is said to have taken bath just before giving
birth to Siddhartha.
- The Holy Tree under which Lord Buddha is believed to have born.
Apart from the ancient ruins there are also a number of modern monasteries and
a museum.